High Concept
Am I blogging...or am I pitching my existence?

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Pitch: It's like Infinite Jest meets The Liar's Club!  

I'm on a mailing list about David Foster Wallace and I never post on it. (Lately, I haven't even been reading it.) And that proably would have been the best place to post this interesting little article about Mary Karr finding religion. Wallace, it is rumored, had some sort of romance with Ms. Karr (to the point of having her named tattooed on him, if stories are to be believed) so it's interesting hearing her take on A.A. and spirituality in contrast to what he's presented in Infinite Jest.

But if I'd posted it on the mailing list, it would've likely been received with resounding silence and, given the choice between the resounding silence there and the resounding silence here, I much prefer the one here. It's more peaceful, somehow.

Oh, and I also like her ending quote:

So that's the kind of Catholic I am. You know? I like everybody. I'm vain and pretentious and arrogant and terrified and full of longing for the numinous and for that joy. And yet I sometimes think I do everything I can to shove it away.

I find that really touching and lovely, you know? And probably would have even without the word "numinous."

posted by Jeff Lester | 5:19 PM |