High Concept
Am I blogging...or am I pitching my existence?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Pitch: It's like "Yes!" meets "Maybe!"  

I had four resolutions for 2006 and so far I've broken all of them. I told myself that in 2006:
  1. I would start Pynchon's new novel;
  2. I would start posting regularly to this blog again;
  3. I would be more exact in taking a daily vitamin; and
  4. Play less video games.
And so now it's January 3rd and I'm just now getting around to that second item on the list, and maybe also the first. I still haven't done the third, and I'm truncating this entry so I can go play a bit more Bully. More later, maybe. Currently, my attention span is far too short for even something as brief as a blog entry.

posted by Jeff Lester | 5:30 PM |