High Concept
Am I blogging...or am I pitching my existence?

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Pitch: It's like Singing In The Rain meets The Sunshine Boys!  

No rain here, I'm afraid. It's three o'clock as I write this and the sunshine is smoldering on the carpet. All I heard about this last week was about the big storm coming our way, and the skies were gray as hell on Friday and Saturday, with a few brief bursts of rain. But it's lovely now, and far too nice a day to be sitting inside writing on the internet in my jam-jams.

And yet, jam-jams it is. If we can get our act together (by which I mean if I can get my act together) Edi and I will make it outside and walk around for a while. We just finished watching Donnie Darko which E. had never seen and which I've seen some embarrassing amount (like, I dunno, three times or something). Edi liked it and it made me wonder if I would rent the director's cut that came out a few months ago. I sorta suspect it would spoil the movie: part of the charm of Donnie Darko is how it hangs suspended between several different film genres particularly since, at least at the third viewing, I'd suspect it wouldn't hold together if it was any particular one of them.

I also watched Dhoom earlier in the week on the recommendation of Sid, the guy at the beauty salon who sells Indian DVDs. The film is kinda like The Fast & The Furious meets Heat with a dash of John Woo and Jerry Lewis, but with a lot of good looking people who burst into song and dance routines. It wasn't great, but it was pretty enjoyable. It was pretty short which seems to be the cases with a lot of Bollywood flicks I've seen these days--they rarely engage in the sort of robust digressions and subplots that made me fall in love with the genre. If the musical numbers go, there really won't be much to distinguish Indian film from most of the other commercial genres of the world and that'd be a genuine shame.

posted by Jeff | 3:45 PM |

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Pitch: It's like The Trial meets Career Opportunities!  

My hands hurt. I wrote something like 4,500 words today and I've decided to relax by quickly jotting down another couple hundred or so.

This is another in a line of test posts, as I'm trying out the blog-by-mail opportunity that Blogger offers. I was never really that interested in blogging by mail (although I've been caught twice at work by people who recognize the interface) until just recently when I got my new writing tool: a Dana Wireless by Alphasmart. I wanted something that could send
and receive emails and maybe surf the web if I wanted it to and so decided
to splurge the extra money on this. I'v e been using a Palm Pilot since,
jeez, I dunno, 1997?, and using it for writing since about '99 and it took
me a long time to realize the reason they kept going bad wasn't because of
anything I was doing to them, it was because they were cheaply assembled.
My last Palm Pilot has been on the rocks for over a year and the one bfore
that lasted only a year, as did the one before that. The ferocious battle
for the PDA market had Palm jamming more and more features in while
keeping the prices as low as possible, so naturally they ended up breaking
sooner and sooner.

I tried looking into the Pocket PCs but they seemed almost as bad: stories
of screens that cracked or filled up with mositure seemed rampant on the
web (although who knows any more what's real testimony on the web and
what's merely competitive trash talk) so I decided to go with something
that would have the Palm OS but wasn't made by Palm. So here I am. The damn email program got slower and slower the longer the email became, so there's something a little half-baked in the Dana's emailing capabilities. In fact, I'd say, generally, that the Dana is, so far, on the pricey half-baked side of things, although still very sturdy. And I've used it to write a great deal in the five days or so since I've had it. If it wasn't for the fact that it's holding all my scrupulously accumulated info I've put on my Palm Pilot, I'd think about returning it and getting an Alphasmart Neo which is about half the price and has an absurdly long battery life (but no Palm OS).

posted by Jeff | 10:12 PM |

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Pitch: It's like Zelig meets Hackers!  

This is a test. Hoo boy, am I out of shape.

posted by Jeff | 10:56 PM |

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Pitch: It's like Another Test meets This Is Not a Test!  

Actually, it's a test.

posted by Jeff | 9:03 AM |

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Pitch: It's like Closed for Repairs meets Opening Soon!  

In part, it's been such a long time since I've posted because David died, and in part because I didn't want to write about David dying. David was Edi's cousin's partner, but really he was David, Edi's cousin, and thanks to the miracle of these things, he was David, my cousin, as well. Watching him slowly die these last months was very hard, and watching him quickly die--bit by bit, on a hospital bed by the kitchen where he had cooked so many amazingly good meals--was even harder. It's a relief not to watch him die anymore, but I love him and miss him and alternate between thinking it's all okay and it all isn't.

The closest I think I've come to being dead was my one time on shrooms: I was walking around outside, feeling separate from the world. I finally knew what it would be like when I was dead, because I could see the world moving on, all around me, without me: enough of my ego was gone that I could see everything without filtering it through the world of "I," and yet I had enough of an ego left to respond to that feeling. I felt both terribly relieved and terribly sad, and I'm reminded of that feeling a little bit now with David's death.

I would like to think the dead become God, in that they know everything and they forgive everything. I would like to think that, so that David--and all of the people that I've loved who have died--would know everything I wanted to say to them, and could forgive me for never saying it.

posted by Jeff | 5:49 PM |

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Oooo, I hate me some lines. But it was fine in this case, because I'm so glad people are getting out and seeing this film! It's keen. Posted by Hello

posted by Jeff | 6:10 PM |


I don't usually send photos to this page, but what the hey. I was both thrilled and annoyed there was a line when we went to catch Best of Youth this afternoon. Posted by Hello

posted by Jeff | 6:09 PM |